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Leadership Lessons for Lunch (Part 2)

iGo Global Staff • Apr 10, 2012

This week, leading up the iGo Leader Retreat, we are inviting you to join us for lunch. We will serve up the cucumbers, tomatoes, and a brief leadership lesson each day at 12:00. And as a bonus, we are offering Two for Tuesday today. First you will hear from iGo Staff member Crystal Meeker. Crystal coordinates all of our JSI’s (international internships). She also oversees our Go Year students who serve 6 months to a year. The bonus post is from a guest. He is one of our workers from overseas, and we asked him to share some leadership wisdom with you as well. Enjoy your lunch!

The Journey to Leading Well by Crystal (aka Pistol)

As I prepare for the iGo leadership retreat, I keep thinking about the steps one takes on the journey to leading well. One common factor rose to the top–in order to lead well one must be faithful with small things. When I say small things, I’m not implying that they are insignificant, just that they are things we already know we should to be doing (Micah 6:8). For example, are we diligently studying the word, serving our local church, loving our families, working hard at school/jobs, etc? It is WORK to stay faithful with things that are not glamorous, fun or recognized. One of the men at my church spends every week vacuuming the carpets on the weekend, caring for the space the Lord has given us to meet together. People rarely compliment the carpet looking clean, but everyone definitely notices if some ground up goldfish crackers were missed from Tuesday night Awana. Could you imagine what the carpet would look like if he didn’t serve each week? Yikes! Because of this man’s faithfulness each week, people are not distracted by crumbs and bugs and are able to focus on scripture and impacting families with the gospel.

Whether you find yourself with an exciting leadership role or a not so exciting one, be faithful with each step that has been given to you. For some of us, being faithful with the seemingly menial is a catalyst the Lord uses to give more leadership opportunities (Luke 16:10-13). The Lord is working all things for His glory. As we strive to be obedient with serving may we always remember that Christ is our aim, not an important leadership position.

“To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12.

Bonus: Two for Tuesday

Learning to Delegate by The Mysterious Racer D

A wise man once told me that when you lead a team, it’s important to delegate authority but not responsibility.  Having seen the benefits of this principle over the years (and having failed numerous times by not following it), I’d like to pass this wisdom on to you.

Delegating authority means empowering those on your team to make decisions and use their gifts to accomplish the task at hand.  It doesn’t mean giving up your authority as leader, but letting go of the need to be “the man” who holds power too closely and micromanages the team.  There are many issues that can be delegated to others on the team.  Give the members of your team space to give input, to use their gifts and even to fail as they learn and grow.

While delegating authority is good, delegating responsibility is not.  Regardless of how much you’ve empowered others, you bear ultimate responsibility for your team.  The consequences for every decision that is made on the team lands at your feet.  If the team isn’t going in the right direction, you don’t shift the blame to someone on the team (even if you know they’re a slacker), you put it on yourself – and commit to learning how to better lead your team.  If someone else has a problem with the performance of someone on your team, they first come to you, and you handle it.  You’re the one tasked with having hard conversations with those you lead.

So as you lead, keep in mind to delegate authority but not responsibility.

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